Where Do You Want to Be When You Retire?

questioning retirement

January 2020 opened with a lot of uncertainties; just like the opening of the previous decade.

The 2010s saw a great deal of change personally, professionally, and financially—for most of us. Many of my own actions were proactive; others were reactive. Overall, the combined action resulted in positive growth. Perhaps you’ve experienced a similar degree of growth and discovery.

Then the 2020s opened with my business and my blog on hold as I struggled to finalize my mother’s affairs. A few months into the new decade and we’re facing a word most of us never expected to utter in our lifetime: quarantine. Business outlook and the economy affect us all yet again.

During the first and third month of 2020, I had also been assessing what the next decade would look like: do I continue as a business owner or do I seek employment elsewhere? These were all critical decisions, as I am exactly another decade away from a traditional retirement date of 66.

During one of my many calls to my aunt and uncle to vent, cuss, and cry over all the mental anguish weighing me down, she eventually said, “Visit us. We’ll take care of the rest.”

In early January, I arrived in Naples, Florida, where my aunt and uncle greeted me under partly sunny 78 degree weather. Vastly different from the cold and wet 44 degrees in Missouri.

They hugged me and, asked how I was.

I cried.

With their loving care and assistance, I cleared my mind to enjoy a little pampering and self-discovery.

It was on the last day that I had an epiphany.

I was enjoying the fitness center at The Lely Golf and Country Club, where my aunt and uncle lived.

The grounds and facility were pristine and soothing. The fitness center had top of the line exercise machines, exercise classes, and weights. The background music was ideal (oldies!)

“This is just what I needed,” I thought.

On the heels of that thought was, “But is this what I want for the rest of my life?”

I glanced around as other patrons enjoyed the center, the majority my age or older. A few residents utilized the facilities with their adult children. Others splashed in the pool with their grandchildren. “Yes,” I thought, “I could enjoy this.”

But it’s not my style.

It was that moment that I didn’t know what my retirement style would be. Nor did I know where my retirement would be. I’m not sure what I want my retirement to look like! And like so many, I wonder if I have enough money to even retire!

It’s reminiscent of the pressure to name a major before entering college. It’s similar to the curiosity we’re all asked early in life: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Just as 4 decades ago, I barely knew the answer other than I wanted to be a writer. The rest of it developed over time. It was that moment, exercising at the Lely fitness center, that helped me understand we DO NOT need the answers today—or ever!

And if you are already retired, you may be pondering that question now.

The amazing part of the whole picture is, we have far more options than our parents did.

My aunt and uncle admitted they had no idea what their plan would be until a friend mentioned time-share opportunities in Florida. One visit led to another, which resulted in the Lely Resort. They have been living there for 8 years and are both 80 years old.

Then there are others who sell everything to buy an RV to travel North America. My cousin’s in-laws did that for 12 years and they are now settled in a small town in Canada.

Another couple I know travels the globe and has visited every continent, including Antarctica, as their retirement plan. They will continue until health slows them down.

Through interviews, I have heard others share their retirement style:

  • Cruise ship travel
  • Downsizing to a dreamy location: Hawaii, Alaska, a beach town, a university community, a mountain retreat, Portugal, or other international location.
  • Stay in place to enjoy the community they know and love.
  • Volunteering for disaster aid, humanitarian needs, or similar, often involving international travel.
  • Or any idea of your own making—to be determined!

Those I have spoken with have not made millions or won the lottery. The worked hard all their life and saved as much as they can, especially during the hard times.

The results of that 5-day getaway to Naples, Florida: the realization that the answers rarely present themselves clearly and immediately. Nor do they need to!

Retirement is more than finances; it’s the where, what, and how of what to do with an amazing time of life.

What will your retirement look like?

Where will your retirement occur?

Or will you make it up as you go along?

There is adventure and discovery in all options.

And there is no pressure!

The last few years, I had been stressing about finances, my future, and what to do with my business and career. When will I retire? How will I retire? What will my retirement style be? I still don’t have the answers, but I now understand my path does not need to be paved in advance.

Neither does yours.

I wish you peace on your path!

There is no path to peace; peace is the path.

–Mahatma Gandhi


photo credit: Stuart Miles – freedigitalphotos.net


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