What Would You Do with Extra Hours?

My typical work day begins roughly at 9am and ends somewhere around 9pm. No, I don’t work 12 hours non-stop. I take breaks throughout the day to accomplish The 3 Es: eating, errands, and exercise, which amounts to ~3 hours.

Yesterday was a typical day. I was energized by an exciting day of writing, client work, and several excellent business conversations. I wanted to continue, however, the clock was fast approaching 9:30pm and I was getting a little tired. That’s when I caught myself thinking, “It would be nice to have extra hours in the day.”

How often have you said that?

How many hours would that be? 2? 4? 6? 10?

I settled on 6. It was a decent number that rounded the standard 24-hour day to 30 hours.

What would I do with those magical extra 6 hours?

That’s where I got stuck. Several possibilities came to mind:

  1. Sleep
  2. Exercise
  3. Me time
  4. Family time
  5. Play/travel
  6. Business

Since I already make the top 2 points a priority, I don’t need more of those (for the most part).

While point 3 may include sleep and exercise, I view it more as time where I’m doing something I enjoy rather than something in the other categories. This would include self-care and self-improvement.

Points 4 and 5 could always use more time so that’s something I would incorporate into those extra 6 hours. Maybe split it 3/3?

Point 6? Business is a definite! As a solopreneur, there is never enough hours in the day to accomplish what I must. Plus, I’m at that awkward stage where I’m generating income but not yet enough to outsource administrative tasks. Would another 3 hours do it? Or do I need an extra one here and there?

Maybe a 2/4 split where my business gets the extra hour.

That seems like a decent split.

Wouldn’t it be nice?

How would you spend 6 extra hours?


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