What I Learned About Health and Wealth as a Caregiver

living a healthy lifestyle protects your finances in the longrun

In the last 10 days, 3 people I love shared their most recent health issues: Person 1, age 28: hyperthyroid issues, vitamin D deficiency, both requiring medication. Plus, high probability of knee surgery in the near future. Person 2, age 60: diabetes is controlled. Needs 2nd hip replacement surgery SOON; roughly scheduled for mid-October. First…

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Will Your Adult Children Ruin Your Retirement?

adult children scamming and retirement

Here are three real-life scenarios from my own friends or family: Theft: the youngest child of 7, a 27 year old male, has stolen nearly $50K from his parents. Most of the debt came from digging into Mom’s purse (typically left on the dining table), grabbing the debit card, making a few purchases, and returning…

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